The extracts from the Writings of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh contained in this book are from the matchless translations by Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith, and those carried out under the auspices of The Universal House of Justice. Published sources are acknowledged in the references and Bibliography. There are many other quotations from Persian manuscripts and publications, and these I have translated, unless otherwise indicated. Most quotations had to be edited prior to translation. The footnotes to these quotations, however, are mostly mine, and this is indicated explicitly where confusion may arise. Verses taken from the Qur'án are numbered in accordance with the Arabic text, although their numbering may differ from that given in English translations. Persian and Arabic names are transliterated in accordance with the system adopted for books on the Bahá'í Faith, but quotations are reproduced in their original form.

The early followers of Bahá'u'lláh seldom sought to be photographed. Occasionally group photographs were taken, from which it has been possible to obtain many of the individual photographs which I have included, in the belief that their historical interest outweighs the fact that some are faded and out of focus. I am deeply indebted to the Audio-Visual Department of the Bahá'í World Centre for supplying most of these photographs. I should like to thank Mr Ruhi Shakibai for his excellent reproduction of one of the photographs printed in this book.

It has taken a long time to finish writing this book, for as before, the only time available has been the late hours of those evenings spent at home in Dublin.

Now that this work is completed, I would like to share with readers certain facts concerning the force motivating this humble


undertaking. The chief factor which has supported and sustained me in writing these volumes has been the deep sense of love I cherish in my heart for those believers throughout the world who are unable to read the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh in their original language, and the hope that this series of volumes, however inadequate and superficial, may convey through the potency of the Words of Bahá'u'lláh Himself a small measure of the greatness of His mighty Revelation.

A contributory factor has been the loving encouragement which the friends everywhere have showered upon me. In particular, I am deeply indebted to Mrs Marion Hofman for her unfailing and genuine support throughout the last fifteen years. I wish to extend to her my heartfelt gratitude and deep appreciation for her wise counsel and loving encouragement which have been of the greatest assistance to me. I am also deeply appreciative of much valuable advice and help given to me by Dr May Hofman Ballerio in the course of her excellent and ably executed editorial work. I wish to express my warmest thanks for her major contributions to the production of this and previous volumes. Another source of encouragement over the years and for which I am truly grateful is my dear wife, Lesley, whose loving support has played an important part in my work.

To Mrs Thelma Batchelor and Mrs Annette Rooney I wish to extend my warmest thanks and appreciation for their excellent typing of the manuscript from my original scribbled notes, great portions of which were difficult to read. My sincere thanks are directed also to Dr Wendi Momen for her skilful production of the Index, and to Mr Harold Boyce for his attention to detail in proofreading and many helpful suggestions.

Adib Taherzadeh


The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh has ushered in the Day of God foretold by all the Prophets of the past. So vast has been the outpouring of this Revelation, extending over a period of forty years, that any attempt to describe it must resemble an attempt to place an ocean within a cup. Moreover, His Revelation is possessed of such a potency that to try to fathom its significance or to probe its hidden mysteries is an act beyond the capacity of mortal men.

This puts into perspective the attempt made by the author of these four volumes to capture glimpses of this mighty Revelation and present them to the readers, while knowing only too well how difficult the task is and how inadequately he has treated the subjects. Indeed, all that has been described in these volumes is the outcome of skimming the surface of a tiny part of a boundless ocean.

This fourth volume covers the most momentous period in the Ministry of Bahá'u'lláh, a period during which His Revelation reached its climax, and His own Person, after years of exile and imprisonment, majestically ascended the throne of His sovereignty in a delightful Mansion designated by Him as 'the most sublime vision of mankind'.

The great many Tablets that streamed forth from the Supreme Pen during this period were to a large extent concerned with promulgating those teachings and principles which, in conjunction with the laws of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, constitute the framework of Bahá'u'lláh's World Order. The events associated with this period were highly significant, contributing as they did to the emergence of the Faith in Persia, and demonstrating its universality, its vitality and its invincibility as a young Faith possessed of a dynamism unequalled in the annals of religion. While the Faith was steadily growing in the land of its birth, its


healing message had also begun to penetrate the neighbouring countries of the East.

Some of these accounts appear in this volume. The story begins from where it was left off in volume 3--the arrival of Bahá'u'lláh at the Mansion of Mazra'ih. It continues with the main events during the remainder of His Ministry, and some of the outstanding Tablets revealed by Him until His ascension in the Mansion of Bahjí. It is the hope of the present author to continue the story in future volumes on the subject of the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh, the most important and significant part of His Revelation.
